As we head into colder months, I wanted to advise the parish of our winter weather policy. During the week we follow the Conewago Valley School District.
CLOSURES: If Conewago Valley School District closes…the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of Mass and all parish activities are CANCELED for the day. Mass will be celebrated privately.
DELAYS: In the event Conewago Valley School district delays and Mass is held in the morning, the public celebration of the Mass is CANCLED. If Mass is held in the evening, Mass will be celebrated as scheduled. All other parish activities can resume after 10 am.
EARLY DISMISSALS: In the event Conewago Valley School district closes early, if evening Mass is scheduled for the day, the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is CANCELED, along with other parish activities.
The purpose of this policy is to keep everyone safe. During the week our lots are NOT a priority and might be cleared off only later in the day. As a norm weekend Masses are not canceled, however parishioners are STRONGLY encouraged to follow the advice of local municipalities. Father Carroll’s belief is if the roads are bad and going out puts others and yourself in danger, the obligation to attend Mass is not binding.
Please keep an eye on our parish Facebook page and the website for any additional announcements during a weather event.